Team & Mission

Systematic Success for
Start- & Scale-Ups

Stefan, Tom and Max started out as business analysts, developers and mentors who decided to turn the tables and found their own company. The team of GrowThrust believes that the success rate for start-ups is not fixed at 10%. We want to support good business ideas grow into SMEs and help great concepts scale to the moon.

The team members met in early 2020 while working in the start-up and investment space. By screening and supporting entrepreneurial talents across different industries, they identified several patterns responsible for business growth and demise.

Using a data-driven approach, the team was able to consolidate their findings and develop an innovative approach to support the intuition of mentors and analysts with quantitative metrics. The resulting scale-up navigator can identify blind spots and obstacles. It helps start-ups and their companions to set the right priorities for future growth and offers applicable advice.

von Rohr

Partner- &


Coaching &

Pahl, Ph.D.

Analysis &

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